Join us on Tuesday 6 August, 6pm-8pm at The White House, for an informal, social evening to meet other local artists* and discuss how we can collaboratively develop a local creative network and programme of support for artists that live, work and study locally.
The evening will be an opportunity for you to share your ideas, interests and the challenges you face within artistic practice and establishing or maintaining careers in the arts, working together to shape a programme of artist development events for Make Room.
The events could include ideas or skills exchange, social events, talks, practical workshops, trips or more. We welcome all contributions and ideas. We aim to ensure the programme is relevant to those it supports and nurtures a collaborative and supportive approach to working together.
Free to attend, refreshments provided.
Make Room is for everyone, you don’t need formal arts training/education to be involved or even need to refer to yourself as an ‘artist’. When we use the term ‘artist’ it encompasses many different acts and forms of creativity. You could be involved in making, community organizing, local activism, be part of a community group or collective, organise events, curate, write poetry or stories, collect or archive found material, make film/video or music, photograph, paint, draw, sculpt, design, make sound/light installations or design/make fashion and textiles.
Make Room is a new creative development programme at The White House designed to make room for new voices and ideas in our programme, supporting under-represented groups to have agency within the arts and their communities.
Make Room will support artists to develop their practice through a programme of events, mentoring opportunities, studio and project bursaries, and creative co-working. The programme will develop organically and collaboratively, shaped by those who engage with it, with the aim of developing cooperative ways of working, helping to democratise decision making across our programme.