February ish
Starter: violet flowers (taste sweet, aroma, not surprisingly, is of parma violets)
Main: cleavers, juiced
I get so excited when the first edibles pop out- they all start to come at once so there’s a suddenly huge range of flavours. Cleavers, or sticky weeed- the stuff you throw on people’s backs- to me, is like cucumber, kiwi and wheatgrass. I pull huge handfuls out on a walk and leave them on my chest or sleeve until i’m home where I rinse them, and throw into a nutribullet with some water. Adding a spoon of local honey and leaving to cool in the fridge or with an ice cube and either drink thick with fibrous stuff like a smoothie, or after leaving to infuse a few hours someplace cold, strain to serve. It’s the most refreshing thing and I welcome every spring morning this way.